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David Alberto Hernández Palmar, who is a Wayuu Indigenous filmmaker, highlights the importance of Indigenous-led media platforms in showcasing the voices of Indigenous Peoples who are leading the fight against environmental challenges, such as climate change. These media channels employ various forms of communication, including audio-visual, podcasting, and radio programs, to share Indigenous stories and perspectives with a broader audience. This way, these stories can be brought to the international stage, such as COP, and Indigenous-led media can help raise awareness and understanding of the unique challenges faced by Indigenous communities. This helps to advocate for their rights and self-determination.

Produced by Dev Kumar Sunuwar (Sunuwar)
Interviewee David Alberto Hernández Palmar (Wayuu)
"LIBRES Y VIVAS " by MARE ADVETENCIA, used with permission.
"Burn your village to the ground", by The Halluci Nation, used with permission.


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