SIRGE Coalition 1 - What is The Green Economy? (Khwedam Language)
This radio program introduces you to a group of people who are working to demand and achieve a just energy transition, in which Indigenous Peoples' rights are at the center. We introduce you to the Securing Indigenous Peoples' Rights in the Green Economy Coalition, also known as the SIRGE Coalition.
This series has been produced by The Southern African San Development Organization in Khwedam Language.
Cultural Survival Global News Bulletin November 2023
Global News on the topic of Indigenous Rights.
In this edition, news from Panama, Nepal, Morroco, and many more.
UNDRIP Article 22: Protection for Children, Elders, Women, and Individuals with Disabilities
Article 22 of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples states 1. Particular attention shall be paid to the rights and special needs of Indigenous elders, women, youth, children, and persons with disabilities in the implementation of this Declaration. 2. States shall take measures, in conjunction with Indigenous peoples, to ensure that Indigenous women and children enjoy the full protection and guarantees against all forms of violence and discrimination.
Addressing Multiple Violences Against Indigenous Women In Nepal
November 25th is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Indigenous women face disproportionate rates of violence and discrimination due to their intersecting identities (woman and Indigenous) which have both been historically marginalized in society. Nepali activists explain their work to end violence against women in their country, and lay out next steps for continuing the work of women's liberation around the world.
Yasso Kanti Bhattachan, Indigenous Women’s Federation of Nepal
Chanda Thapa Magar, Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact
Intergenerational Trauma - Violence From More Than A Century Ago Affects Us Today!
For this year's International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women commemoration, we remember the suffering of Indigenous Herero and Nama Peoples who suffered greatly at the hands of German colonists.
We spoke to Sima Luipert, from Namibia, about how violence from the past can lead to intergenerational Trauma.
Produced by Shaldon Ferris (Khoisan)
Interviewee: Sima Luipert (Nama)
Music: 'Anania2' by The Baba Project, used with permission
"Burn your village to the ground", by The Halluci Nation, used with permission.
What Indigenous Peoples Should Note About The Negotiations At CBD 2023 - Roberto Borrero
Cultural Survival covers Indigenous Issues worldwide. As part of this work, our team joined the international negotiations of the 12th session of the Intersessional Working Group on Article 8(j) relating traditional knowledge, innovation and practices of Indigenous Peoples under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on November 12-16, 2023, in Geneva, Switzerland. We spoke to many Indigenous leaders to communicate their priorities to our wider Indigenous audience.
More Media Coverage Needed On Indigenous Issues -Tristan Ahtone
Indigenous issues such as land grabbing, and healthcare, in the US receive little to no media coverage. This is because reporters do not consider these stories important enough. Tristan Ahtone (Kiowa), editor at large at Grist, suggests that hiring Indigenous journalists to work in newsrooms is the easiest way to address this problem. If that's not feasible, news organizations can collaborate with Indigenous reporters at other outlets. There are various ways to ensure that journalism is safeguarded and that the best possible work is produced.
Producer : Dev Kumar Sunuwar (Sunuwar)
The Impact Of Religion On Maasai Traditions And Culture
With colonization and migration comes intercultural exchanges. Religions are often brought from one area to another, and with this, new traditions and ways of worship. Radio producer Mathias Kowayu Tooko explores the impact of Christianity on his people.
Voice: Mathias Kowaya (Maasai)
Parkipuny Kilel
Noorkireu Kurtut
Maruna Potot
Ngojie Masheren
Rikoni Mboro
Music: "Osidai" by Nalepo Shengena Kilel ,used with permission.
International Day For The Eradication Of Poverty 2023
In Tanzania, the Indigenous Maasai people have been facing displacement for a long time.
The most recent incident of land loss involves large numbers of Maasai peoples being forced to leave their ancestral homes to make way for a game reserve. The adverse effects of losing land will be felt for a long time. In this radio program, we uncover some reasons why Indigenous Peoples worldwide face extreme poverty.
Produced by Shaldon Ferris (Khoisan)
Interviewee: Edson Krenak (Krenak)
Music: 'Whispers' by Ziibiwan, used with permission
Indigenous Agroforestry Protects Water, Biodiversity, + Food Sovereignty
The Kalinga Mission for Indigenous Children and Youth, led by Donato Bumacas, promotes values of biodiversity conservation, with the goal of poverty reduction. These values are upheld using Indigenous traditional knowledge systems and technologies to conserve and maintain the local forests. Sustainable Indigenous agricultural technology is implemented, with the goal of passing these systems down to future generations, as this knowledge was passed down to them.
Dev Kumar Sunuwar (Sunuwar)
Interviewee: Donato Bumacas