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Shannon Foster on Land Management Practices

Shannon Foster is a Sydney D'harawal Knowledge Keeper, educator, and artist. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. with the Center for the Advancement of Indigenous Knowledges at the University of Technology in Sydney. Drawing on traditional knowledge, Indigenous leaders have advocated for changes to current land management practices for decades to help limit anticipated future fire damage. Aboriginal people have a deep knowledge of their lands, and traditional burning practices can help prevent massive destruction.

October 16th is World Food Day!

Hunger and obesity often co-exists in countries where a home cooked meal is far more difficult to attain than fast food, processed food and foods that are high in sugar. In line with the 2030 sustainable development Agenda, the theme for 2019's World Food Day is Healthy Diets for a Zero Hunger world.In this program, we will talk to Indigenous people, to see how they contribute to Sustainable Development goal  number two, which talks about  ending hunger and achieving food security and improved nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture.

Many Voices, One Message - Traditional Knowledge Protects Mother Earth!

We are living in a time of crisis. Scientists, farmers, Indigenous Peoples and even the United Nations all agree that humanity’s impact on the world’s ecosystems and natural resources has brought us to a turning point. If there is no intervention, the planet faces the mass extinction of up to 1 million plant and animal species due to pollution, habitat loss, and climate change.

The International Day of the Worlds Indigenous Peoples 2019

The International Day of the worlds Indigenous Peoples

August 9th is a reason for celebration all over the world, because on this date, the International day of the worlds indigenous peoples is commemorated.

This year, 2019, is the International Year of Indigenous Languages and therefore in this program, we will discuss the state of our languages, as indigenous peoples.

Lights in the Forest by Yarina.
Used with permission.

Indigenous Women's Health

Indigenous women represent one of the most vulnerable and marginalized populations in the world. For centuries, Indigenous Women have been subjected to relentless discrimination and different types of violence based on gender, indigeneity, and class. They are deprived from even basic human rights such as access to health services, education and employment. This Indigenous Rights Radio program depicts Indigenous Women and access to quality health services.

Producer : Dev Kumar Sunuwar and Bia'ni Madsa' Juárez López


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