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UNDRIP Article 22: Protection for Children, Elders, Women, and Individuals with Disabilities

Article 22 of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples states 1. Particular attention shall be paid to the rights and special needs of Indigenous elders, women, youth, children, and persons with disabilities in the implementation of this Declaration. 2. States shall take measures, in conjunction with Indigenous peoples, to ensure that Indigenous women and children enjoy the full protection and guarantees against all forms of violence and discrimination.


Ri Kich'ojib'al k'aslemal ri achamaq'i. Tanaj 23.

Guión: Ri kich’ojib’al k’aslemal ri achamaq’i’, jun atowab’äl xjuch’ kuma ri tinamital pa ri juna’ 2007. Re wuj re’ nusöl chi qawäch achike ri k’o chi nikib’än chuqa’ ri man ruk’amon ta nikib’än ri chanpomanela’ chi ruya’ik kiq’ij ri kich’ojib’al ri qawinaq.

Ri  mokaj tzij 23 richin re q’alajrisanem re’ ke re’ nub’ij:

Ri achamaq'i' k'o kich'ojib'al richin nkijikib'a' chuqa' runuk'ik jalajöj rub'eyal kisamaj richin ri kik'iyirisanem.  Achi'el ri achamaq'i' k'o kich'ojib'al richin nkinük' jalajöj taq samaj pa ruwi'

Ri Kich'ojib'al k'aslemal ri achamaq'i. Tanaj 16.

Guión: Ri kich’ojib’al k’aslemal ri achamaq’i’, jun atowab’äl xjuch’ kuma ri tinamital pa ri juna’ 2007. Re wuj re’ nusöl chi qawäch achike ri k’o chi nikib’än chuqa’ ri man ruk’amon ta nikib’än ri chanpomanela’ chi ruya’ik kiq’ij ri kich’ojib’al ri qawinaq. Ri mokaj tzij 16 richin re q’alajrisanem re’ ke re’ nub’ij chi qe:

1. Ri achamaq’i’ k'o kich'ojib'al richin nkitz'uk kitzijob’al pa kich'ab'äl chuqa' tikiq'alajirisaj ri kitzijob’al chi ke ri winaqi' ri man e achamaq’i’ ta, xa xe mani yetz'ilöx ri achamaq’i’.

UNDRIP Article 25: Traditional Lands

Article 25 of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples states: Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinctive spiritual relationship with their traditionally owned or otherwise occupied and used lands, territories, waters and coastal seas and other resources and to uphold their responsibilities to future generations in this regard.

Script by Shaldon Ferris (KhoiSan)
Voiceover by Morisca Christians

“Catalina” by The Hot Shots Dance Band

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