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Taking Care Of Our Elders During The Covid - 19 Pandemic

This is a public service announcement about the coronavirus or Covid-19 disease outbreak.
While countries all over the world are on lockdown, and panic is the order of the day, this is a time when Indigenous Peoples around the world are encouraged to stay calm, and be strong, in the face of severe adversity.
What is most important to note, is that our elderly are the most vulnerable. We need to take extra precaution to save the lives of the ones who are dear to us, and the ones who have shown us the way to go, who have guided our feet on the path that we all walk.

IPACC Statement On Indigenous Peoples Of Africa And Covid - 19

The COVID-19 pandemic poses a great danger to humanity, including the indigenous peoples of Africa.

If the spread of the virus is not urgently arrested and is allowed to infect African indigenous communities, the virus may decimate our member communities.

Africa’s Indigenous Peoples are extremely vulnerable to the dreaded virus, owing to a lack of essential resources such as clean water, food, housing, medical supplies and even basic information.

Victoria Tauli-Corpuz On Six Years As Special Rapporteur

When Victoria Tauli-Corpuz was appointed as UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in May 2014, she was ready to take on the challenge of investigating the plight of the world’s Indigenous Peoples and then making her findings public. After a six year stint as special rapporteur, according to her, the mandate was “an uphill battle.” In this program we hear more from Victoria on her tenure as Special Rapporteur.

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