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Understanding the Coronavirus

According to the World Health Organization, coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause diseases ranging from the common cold to more serious diseases. Covid -19 is a type of coronavirus that now affects more than 162 countries out of 195.
This outbreak is serious! And in this program you can find more information and ways to prevent the spread. Listen, download and share for free.
Voice: Natalie Jackson
Image: Washing Hands
"Burn Your Village to the Ground" by A Tribe Called Red. Used with permission.

SDG 5 Gender Equality

The Sustainable Development Goals or SDG’s for short, consist of 17 interdependent goals that were put in place by the United Nations. 
Each goal has a separate list of targets to achieve. 
The objective of the Sustainable Development Goals is to ensure that the planet is protected, and that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
Shaldon Ferris (KhoiSan)
Indigenous Rights Radio Intro track features "Burn your Village to the Ground" by @a-tribe-called-red. Used with permission.
Music: Anania2 by The Baba Project. Used with permission.

SDG 1 End Poverty

The Sustainable Development Goals or SDG’s for short, consist of 17 interdependent goals that were put in place by the United Nations. 
Each goal has a separate list of targets to achieve. 
The objective of the Sustainable Development Goals is to ensure that the planet is protected, and that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
Shaldon Ferris (KhoiSan)
Indigenous Rights Radio Intro track features "Burn your Village to the Ground" by @a-tribe-called-red. Used with permission.
Music: Anania2 by The Baba Project. Used with permission.

SDG 8 Economic Growth

The Sustainable Development Goals or SDG’s for short, consist of 17 interdependent goals that were put in place by the United Nations.
Each goal has a separate list of targets to achieve. 
The objective of the Sustainable Development Goals is to ensure that the planet is protected, and that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
Shaldon Ferris (KhoiSan)
Indigenous Rights Radio Intro track features "Burn your Village to the Ground" by @a-tribe-called-red. Used with permission.
Music: Anania2 by The Baba Project. Used with permission.

SDG 2 End Hunger

The Sustainable Development Goals or SDG’s for short, consist of 17 interdependent goals that were put in place by the United Nations.
Each goal has a separate list of targets to achieve. 
The objective of the Sustainable Development Goals is to ensure that the planet is protected, and that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
Shaldon Ferris (KhoiSan)

SDG 17 Global Partnerships

The Sustainable Development Goals or SDG’s for short, consist of 17 interdependent goals that were put in place by the United Nations.
Each goal has a separate list of targets to achieve. 
The objective of the Sustainable Development Goals is to ensure that the planet is protected, and that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
Shaldon Ferris (KhoiSan)
Indigenous Rights Radio Intro track features "Burn your Village to the Ground" by @a-tribe-called-red. Used with permission.
Music: Anania2 by The Baba Project. Used with permission.

SDG 15 Ecosystems

The Sustainable Development Goals or SDG’s for short, consist of 17 interdependent goals that were put in place by the United Nations.
Each goal has a separate list of targets to achieve. 
The objective of the Sustainable Development Goals is to ensure that the planet is protected, and that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
Shaldon Ferris (KhoiSan)
Indigenous Rights Radio Intro track features "Burn your Village to the Ground" by @a-tribe-called-red. Used with permission.
Music: Anania2 by The Baba Project. Used with permission.

SDG 13 Combat Climate Change

The Sustainable Development Goals or SDG’s for short, consist of 17 interdependent goals that were put in place by the United Nations.
Each goal has a separate list of targets to achieve. 
The objective of the Sustainable Development Goals is to ensure that the planet is protected, and that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
Shaldon Ferris (KhoiSan)
Indigenous Rights Radio Intro track features "Burn your Village to the Ground" by @a-tribe-called-red. Used with permission.
Music: Anania2 by The Baba Project. Used with permission.

SDG 10 Reduce Inequality

The Sustainable Development goals or SDG’s for short, consist of 17 interdependent goals that were put in place by the United Nations.
Each goal has a separate list of targets to achieve. 
The objective of the Sustainable development goals is to ensure that the planet is protected, and that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
Shaldon Ferris (KhoiSan)
Indigenous Rights Radio Intro track features "Burn your Village to the Ground" by @a-tribe-called-red. Used with permission.
Music: Anania2 by The Baba Project. Used with permission.

UNDRIP Article 22: Protection for Children, Elders, Women, and Individuals with Disabilities

Article 22 of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples states 1. Particular attention shall be paid to the rights and special needs of Indigenous elders, women, youth, children, and persons with disabilities in the implementation of this Declaration. 2. States shall take measures, in conjunction with Indigenous peoples, to ensure that indigenous women and children enjoy the full protection and guarantees against all forms of violence and discrimination. PRODUCTION Script by Shaldon Ferris (KhoiSan) Voiceover by Morisca Christians MUSIC “Dannyco” by The Hot Shots Dance Band

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