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Catherine Murupaenga-Ikenn On Unity At The UNPFII 2015

Catherine Murupaenga-Ikenn speaks about successes at the 2015 UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Communities in the Pacific region have united over common issues, different groups have made efforts to align as Indigenous Peoples as a body in international conferences, and Indigenous Peoples were represented in a major climate change conference.

Nancy Bordeaux On Historical Trauma

Nancy Bordeaux (Sicangu Lakota) from South Dakota shares her work in domestic violence and sexual assault and gives advice on how to make a change. She speaks about historical trauma and its effects on Native American peoples today. Nancy works with women who are victims of domestic violence and human trafficking and hopes to lessen the economic and mental health disparities in Indigenous women.  We caught up with Nancy at the UNPFII 2015. 

WCIP: Mililani Trask Discusses Her Disappointment With the WCIP's Organizational Structure

Mililani Trask frankly states that there is not much work which can be done in the 2 days of discussions which make up the WCIP. She is not surprised by the lack of funding and the limitations on which issues can be discussed, but describes the resulting meeting as a betrayal because the WCIP was meant to bring people together to discuss many issues facing Indigenous Peoples and address how to move forward.  

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