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Indigenous Women

The International Day of the Worlds Indigenous Peoples 2019

The International Day of the worlds Indigenous Peoples

August 9th is a reason for celebration all over the world, because on this date, the International day of the worlds indigenous peoples is commemorated.

This year, 2019, is the International Year of Indigenous Languages and therefore in this program, we will discuss the state of our languages, as indigenous peoples.

Lights in the Forest by Yarina.
Used with permission.

Suicide Amongst Indigenous Peoples On The Increase: An Interview With Professor Pat Dudgeon

In 2018 and 2019, there has been an increase in suicides amongst Indigenous Peoples, specifically in Australia. Why is this happening at such an alarming rate? What is the cause of these deaths, especially among the youth.
Producer : Shaldon Ferris (Khoisan, South Africa)
Interviewee: Pat Dudgeon, Australia
Picture: An Indigenous Australian Man chats on his cellphone, courtesy of Cultural Survival
Music: Lights in the Forest by Yarina, used with permission.
This is a production of Indigenous Rights Radio. Our programs are free to listen, download and spread.

World Health Day

Every year on the 7th of April, World Health Day, a day championed by the World Health Organisation, is commemorated internationally.
The day was conceived in 1948, and the first annual WHD was celebrated in 1950 – In support of drawing attention to WHO, the world health organisation.
In this program, we interview Connie Hang, Youth Coordinator of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Federation.

Back Pack Radio For Emergencies

Recognizing community radio's role of keeping grassroots communities informed, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), proclaimed February 13th as World Radio Day. There is no doubt that radio is a powerful communication tool and a low cost medium suited not only to reach illiterate, remote communities and vulnerable groups, but also has a stronger and more specific role especially for delivering emergency and disaster relief communication.

World Radio Day

It is world radio on February 13th, a day and according to the website, this is a day to celebrate radio as a medium, to improve international cooperation between broadcasters and to encourage major networks and community radio alike to promote access to information, freedom of expression and gender equality over the airwaves. We Interview the Programs Manager of X-K FM, a radio station set up specifically to broadcast in the !Xun and Khwe indigenous languages of Namibia/Angola/South Africa.

Indigenous Peoples And HIV&AIDS

On the 1st of December, every year, the international community observes  a day that is dedicated to raising awareness  of the AIDS pandemic. 
As of November 2017, an estimated 36.7 million people worldwide are living with HIV, making it one of the most important global health issues.
This program looks at how HIV AIDS affects the International Indigenous community.

Sami Drum by Tyler. Used with permission.
Introduction: "Burn Your Village to the Ground" by A Tribe Called Red. Used with permission.


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