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UNPFII - The Road To The International Year Of Indigenous Languages With Richard Grounds

The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is the UN’s central body dedicated to all matters relating to the rights of the approximately 370 million Indigenous Peoples around the World.
In 2019, The 18th session of the Forum in New York will highlight the year that has been declared the International Year of Indigenous Languages.
Cultural Survival's Avexnim Cojti spoke to Richard Grounds from the Yuchi Nation, who tells us how this commemoration came about.

UNPFII - The Importance Of Indigenous Languages In The Digital Age

The  18th session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues ran from  22 of April until 3 May 2019.
The theme was Traditional knowledge: Generation, transmission and protection.
This program is about the the importance of Indigenous languages in the digital era.

Producer:  Shaldon Ferris (KhoiSan, South Africa)
Sound Clip: Alili Kiskitalo (Sami), Co-chair of IYIL steering committee.
Music : Whispers, by Ziibiwan, used with permission.

Indigenous Women's Health

Indigenous women represent one of the most vulnerable and marginalized populations in the world. For centuries, Indigenous Women have been subjected to relentless discrimination and different types of violence based on gender, indigeneity, and class. They are deprived from even basic human rights such as access to health services, education and employment. This Indigenous Rights Radio program depicts Indigenous Women and access to quality health services.

Producer : Dev Kumar Sunuwar and Bia'ni Madsa' Juárez López


World Health Day

Every year on the 7th of April, World Health Day, a day championed by the World Health Organisation, is commemorated internationally.
The day was conceived in 1948, and the first annual WHD was celebrated in 1950 – In support of drawing attention to WHO, the world health organisation.
In this program, we interview Connie Hang, Youth Coordinator of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Federation.

Zero Discrimination Against Women

In March we commemorate two very important international days, Zero Discrimination Day on March 1st, as well International Women's day on March 8th.
How are Indigenous Peoples discriminated against, and furthermore, how are Indigenous Women discriminated against?
In this program we pay homage to Xoroxloo Duxee, an Indigenous Woman from Botswana who died from starvation and dehydration because access to a water well in the desert had been restricted.

Producer:  Shaldon Ferris (KhoiSan, South Africa)

Interviewee: //Uruseb, researcher on Indigenous Peoples.

Back Pack Radio For Emergencies

Recognizing community radio's role of keeping grassroots communities informed, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), proclaimed February 13th as World Radio Day. There is no doubt that radio is a powerful communication tool and a low cost medium suited not only to reach illiterate, remote communities and vulnerable groups, but also has a stronger and more specific role especially for delivering emergency and disaster relief communication.

World Radio Day

It is world radio on February 13th, a day and according to the website, this is a day to celebrate radio as a medium, to improve international cooperation between broadcasters and to encourage major networks and community radio alike to promote access to information, freedom of expression and gender equality over the airwaves. We Interview the Programs Manager of X-K FM, a radio station set up specifically to broadcast in the !Xun and Khwe indigenous languages of Namibia/Angola/South Africa.

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