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Covid - 19 Vaccines

After months of clinical trials by many companies in different countries, several vaccines, which are 94-95% effective, have finally been approved and are now making their way to hospitals, clinics and doctors rooms. Successful trials of the vaccines have taken place with medical professionals and the elderly. Vaccines against COVID-19 will be available to us soon.
Produced by Shaldon Ferris
Voice: Jayd Smith

Understanding The Second Wave Of Covid - 19

Covid-19 is still a grave reality, now with a new strain of the virus spreading across the world. When the pandemic first began, we did not expect it to last this long, and no one expected that it would spread so widely and have such a disastrous impact. As we move into 2021, it continues to be crucial to maintain social distance, avoid large groups of people, wash or sanitize our hands and wear masks consistently to stop the spread of the virus.

Understanding The Second Wave Of Covid - 19

Covid-19 is still a grave reality, now with a new strain of the virus spreading across the world. When the pandemic first began, we did not expect it to last this long, and no one expected that it would spread so widely and have such a disastrous impact. As we move into 2021, it continues to be crucial to maintain social distance, avoid large groups of people, wash or sanitize our hands and wear masks consistently to stop the spread of the virus.

Nelson Ole Reiyia On Covid - 19 In Kenya

As Covid-19 sweeps across the globe, it is wreaking havoc and leaving behind a trail of destruction. In this radio program we check in with Nelson Ole Reiya, CEO of the Nashulai Maasai Conservancy in Kenya, to find out about the current situation of the Maasai people in his region.

Producer: Shaldon Ferris
Voices: Nelson Ole Reiyia
Image: Nelson Ole Reiyia
"Anania2" by The Baba Project
"Burn Your Village to the Ground" by A Tribe Called Red. Used with permission.
Coronavirus, World Health Organization

Looking After Our Children During The Covid - 19 Pandemic

This is a public service announcement about the coronavirus or Covid-19 disease outbreak.
The Covid-19 Pandemic is upon us, and we all need to adhere to all the hygiene protocols.
While it is important to ensure the well-being of our elders in the time of this global pandemic, let us take care of our children too. If this is new for us, imagine the psychological impact it has on our young ones. Take the time to explain it to them, first hand, as opposed to what they see and hear on social media, television and radio.

Taking Care Of Our Elders During The Covid - 19 Pandemic

This is a public service announcement about the coronavirus or Covid-19 disease outbreak.
While countries all over the world are on lockdown, and panic is the order of the day, this is a time when Indigenous Peoples around the world are encouraged to stay calm, and be strong, in the face of severe adversity.
What is most important to note, is that our elderly are the most vulnerable. We need to take extra precaution to save the lives of the ones who are dear to us, and the ones who have shown us the way to go, who have guided our feet on the path that we all walk.

IPACC Statement On Indigenous Peoples Of Africa And Covid - 19

The COVID-19 pandemic poses a great danger to humanity, including the indigenous peoples of Africa.

If the spread of the virus is not urgently arrested and is allowed to infect African indigenous communities, the virus may decimate our member communities.

Africa’s Indigenous Peoples are extremely vulnerable to the dreaded virus, owing to a lack of essential resources such as clean water, food, housing, medical supplies and even basic information.

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