Muchos sucesos y situaciones que involucran a los Pueblos Indígenas están pasando alrededor del mundo. ¿Sabe cuáles son?
Como parte del derecho a la información, Cultural Survival le presenta este noticiero con notas relevantes de Norte, Centro y Sur América, África y Asia, el cual puede escuchar, descargar y compartir de forma gratuita.
Música de introducción:
- “Burn Your Village to the Ground” de The Halluci Nation. Derechos de autor, propiedad de The Halluci Nation. Usada bajo su permiso.
This is a public service announcement about the coronavirus or Covid-19 disease outbreak.
The Covid-19 Pandemic is upon us, and we all need to adhere to all the hygiene protocols.
While it is important to ensure the well-being of our elders in the time of this global pandemic, let us take care of our children too. If this is new for us, imagine the psychological impact it has on our young ones. Take the time to explain it to them, first hand, as opposed to what they see and hear on social media, television and radio.