Muchos sucesos y situaciones que involucran a los Pueblos Indígenas están pasando alrededor del mundo. ¿Sabe cuáles son?
Como parte del derecho a la información, Cultural Survival le presenta este noticiero del mes de abril de 2024 con notas relevantes de Norte, Centro y Sur América, África y Asia, el cual puede escuchar, descargar y compartir de forma gratuita.
Música de introducción:
- “Burn Your Village to the Ground” de The Halluci Nation. Derechos de autor, propiedad de The Halluci Nation. Usada bajo su permiso.
Every year on the 7th of April, World Health Day, a day championed by the World Health Organisation, is commemorated internationally.
The day was conceived in 1948, and the first annual WHD was celebrated in 1950 – In support of drawing attention to WHO, the world health organisation.
In this program, we interview Connie Hang, Youth Coordinator of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Federation.
UN Special Rapporteur Vicky Tauli Corpuz discusses the international trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership which is being negotiated by Canada,The United States, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Singapore, Brunei, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. She confirms that Indigenous Peoples must be consulted before these deals are negotiated.
UN Special Rapporteur Vicky Tauli Corpuz discusses the international trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership which is being negotiated by Canada,The United States, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Singapore, Brunei, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. She discusses why governments are pushing for it, and its implications for Indigenous Peoples.