2067 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge
(617) 441-5400

Public Service Announcements (PSA)

Los pueblos indígenas tienen el derecho para vivir de acuerdo con su visión del mundo, sus principios y creencias. Tienen la soberanía sobre sus tierras, comida, agua y recursos.

El CMPI es una sesión especial de la Asamblea General lo que enfocará específicamente en los derechos de los pueblos indígenas.

El documento final de Alta contiene varios asuntos importantes para los pueblos indígenas y las soluciones, incluso de los derechos de la tierra, el aire, el agua y las subsistencias.

Alta Outcome Document WCIP 2014 

States should work with indigenous communities to implement climate change initiatives which protect the lands and resources of Indigenous Peoples, through an ecosystem-based approach and enforceable safeguards. 

Alta Outcome Document WCIP 2014 

Indigenous Peoples have the right to establish their own education and knowledge systems in order to accurately teach future generations about their histories, values, beliefs and languages.

Alta Outcome Document WCIP 2014 

Permanent Observer status for Indigenous Peoples would mean that Indigenous Peoples could have direct participation through their own governments and councils. 


Alta Outcome Document WCIP 2014 

The right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent means that Indigenous Peoples are able to use their lands and resources however they choose, and that they are included in a consultation process if any development projects are proposed on their land. 

Alta Outcome Document WCIP 2014 

The rights of Indigenous Peoples must be enacted fully and mechanisms which monitor and review the implementation of these rights are needed to ensure that States are complying with international law.


Alta Outcome Document WCIP 2014 

States should work with indigenous communities to ensure that national laws reflect the rights of Indigenous Peoples as laid out in the UN Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Alta Outcome Document WCIP 2014 

Indigenous communities need to work with States to develop mechanisms that prevent violence against women. 


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