The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) is a high-level advisory body to the Economic and Social Council.
The twenty-first session of the Permanent Forum is happening from April 25th to May 6th, 2022, at the UN Headquarters in New York.
This year's special theme is “Indigenous Peoples, business, autonomy and the human rights principles of due diligence including Free, Prior and Informed Consent”
El Foro Permanente para las Cuestiones Indígenas de la ONU, es un evento que se realiza desde el año 2002. Este foro se lleva a cabo cada año en New York durante dos semanas donde se reunen estados, organizaciones y representantes de Pueblos Indigenas para examinar cuestiones relacionadas al desarrollo económico y social, la cultura, la educación, la salud, el medio ambiente y los derechos humanos.
Da inicio la 21º sesión del Foro Permanente para las Cuestiones Indígenas de la ONU quién es un ente asesor del Consejo Económico y Social de las Naciones Unidas –ECOSOC-. Este espacio reúne a estados, organizaciones y representantes de Pueblos Indigenas para examinar durante dos semanas cuestiones relacionadas al desarrollo económico y social, la cultura, la educación, la salud, el medio ambiente y los derechos humanos.
In this radio program, Ricardo Herdien talks about how Indigenous South Africans still struggle for land and basic services.
This interview was produced by Bush Radio 89.5 FM.
In South Africa, land conferences are held often, but Khoi and San people are seldom involved in the talks. Martinus Fredericks, a direct descendent of Cornelius Fredericks, who was a Nama leader who fought along Kaptein Hendrik Witbooi.
Produced by Radio Atlantis.
Image: Martinus Fredericks (LinkedIn)
Music: "Anania2", by The Baba Project, used with permission.
"Burn your village to the ground", by The Halluci Nation, used with permission.
In March of 2022, Cultural Survival’s Executive Director Galina Angarova (Buryat) and Director of Programs Avexnim Cojti (Maya K’iche’) traveled to Brussels, Belgium, to meet with Members of the European Parliament, environmental and civil society groups engaged in advocacy efforts around the new European Union battery regulation and the proposed horizontal due diligence law.
In this podcast, Cultural Survival's Avexnim Cojti met with Editor in Chief of Indigenous Russia, Dmitry Berezhkov (Itelmen), and spoke about the impacts of mining on Indigenous communities.
Produced by Avexnim Cojti (Maya K'iche)
Voices: Dmitry Berezhkov (Itelmen)
Music: "Whispers", by The Ziibiwan, used with permission.
"Burn your village to the ground", by The Halluci Nation, used with permission.
WHO estimates that more than 13 million deaths around the world each year are due to avoidable environmental causes. This includes the climate crisis which is the single biggest health threat facing humanity. The climate crisis is also a health crisis.
In this program, we hear from Nailejileji Tipap who will tell us about the health of the Maasai people of Tanzania.
In South Africa today, many Indigenous peoples are looking for alternatives to medicine prescribed by a doctor.
In this interview by Valley FM, community radio in Worcester in The Western Cape – Catherine Wiese speaks to Indigenous Knowledge Holders John Roelfse and Ivander Staedler, on the use of herbs vs modern medicine.
¿Ha escuchado acerca del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica?
En este programa preparado por Cultural Survival le compartimos información relevante sobre este convenio el cual involucra a los Pueblos Indígenas.
Escuche las entrevistas con Ramiro Batzin y Guadalupe Hernández, dos expertos en el tema que nos platicas a detalle sobre este convenio. Recuerde que este programa lo puede escuchar, descargar y compartir de forma gratuira.