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(617) 441-5400


En ete progra te damos a conocer sobre casos exitosos que ha tenido la Corte Interamericana. Acá te dejamos una experiencia en Nicaragua sobre tierras de una comunidad Indígena , Awas Tingni, que no poseeia un título. 


Rigoberto Gonzales, representante del Centro para la Autonomía y el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas, Nicaragua


​-  ​Sik´inik , ​K'oxomal Winaqil. Utilizado con su autorización

​-  ​Nan Tat,  ​K´oxomal Winaqil. Utilizado con su autorización

Vicky Tauli-Corpuz, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, visited several states in Mexico to report on progress made in areas of Indigenous rights since her predecessor's trip to the country in 2003. Though the Mexican government has not fulfilled the majority of recommendations made by the former UNSR, Tauli-Corpuz notes the empowerment of autonomous municipalities since 2003 as an improvement over previous years.

¿Cómo puede la ONU apoyar los objetivos que nuestras comunidades tienen para terminar con la discriminación racial? Obtenga más información sobre los recursos disponibles para las comunidades indígenas para emprender acciones contra la discriminación en esta entrevista con Andrea Carmen, una activista internacionalmente reconocida.


Andrea Carmen / Directora ejecutiva del Consejo Internacional de Tratados Indios / Pueblo Yaqui


The reduction in size of the Bears Ears National Monument by the Trump Administration runs contrary to the principles established in Article 26 of the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. We spoke to Braidan Weeks, the Communications Coordinator for Utah Diné Bikéyah, about the importance of Bears Ears, the unlawfulness of the actions taken by the Trump administration, and the advocacy currently underway to defend the monument led by the Tribes of the Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition.

Indigenous South Africans go on a yearly 400 mile pilgrimage to bring awareness to ongoing violations of basic human rights of South Africans, the withholding of remains and sacred items belonging to Indigenous communities by museums, as well as to reconnect to the earth and environment through the rigorous journey from coast to coast. We spoke to two South African Indigenous rights activists to hear their takes on how this tradition has shaped their activism.


"Xul Kej" by Sotz'il. Used with permission.

Peter Buffett is a Co-President of the NoVo Foundation, which works to foster a transformation from a world of domination and exploitation to one of collaboration and partnership. As part of this work, NoVo supports work in Indigenous communities across North America, including community-led programs that center Indigenous girls and women. Suzanne Benally (Navajo and Santa Clara Tewa) is a leader in U.S. Indigenous rights advocacy, and serves as the Executive Director of Cultural Survival.

En este programa especial conoceremos de una Radio Comunitaria en Boca de Sábalo, Rio San Juan, Nicaragua quienes al igual que muchas Radios Comunitarias Indígenas están ocupadas en abanderar la lucha por la madre tierra y nuestros bienes comunes.


  • Días de Amar del Duo Guardabarrando, con su autorización
  • Casa Abierta, Katya Cardenal, con su autorización 


Javier Jaime Rodríguez (Nicaragua)

Teresita Orozco Mendoza

En este entrevista especial con Ada Villareal, Representante de la Red Centroamericana de Radios Comunitarias Indígenas de la que también Cultural Survival y nuestro programa de Radio de Derechos Indígenas es parte; te contamos la importancia que tienen la Radios Comunitarias en su función educadora, promotora y defensora de los recursos naturales para la garantía de la preservación y el buen vivir de las comunidades.

It was the Wampanoag People, the people of the first light, that encountered the Pilgrims when they arrived to Turtle Island (North America) from Europe in 1620. Since 1863, Thanksgiving has been celebrated as a national holiday in the United States, mythologizing the violent events that followed European arrival into a story of friendship and mutual sharing. But the reality is that the Wampanoags’ generosity was met with genocide, and this truth has been systematically suppressed in the US education system, government, and popular culture.

La celebración del Día de Muertos es una de las tradiciones más antiguas y representativas de México. Actualmente, muchas familias mantienen viva esta costumbre la cual varía su práctica a dependencia de cada estado.

Para hablar sobre esto, conversamos con un abuelo Zapoteco, de Valles Centrales de Oaxaca, México el señor Mateo Hipólito García, quien destaca que rendir culto a los muertos es una obligación y que además es parte del legado ancestral.
Locución: Teresita Orozco 
Tema musical:

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