Shaldon Ferris (KhoiSan) reflects with Dr. Wilton Littlechild, Grand Chief for Treaty Six First Nations, on the first 10 years of progress and setbacks in implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Avexnim Cojti (Maya K'iche') highlights the difference between consent and consultation with the help of Joan Carling, longtime advocate for Indigenous rights and former expert member to the UNPFII, in the context of decisions made by Indigenous communities regarding resource and land management. Joan explains that consent (or refusal of consent) is given at the conclusion of a process of consultation. Consultation, defined as an open, collective deliberation, is a crucial precursor to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent.
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 2017, 16th Session
Week 1
Dev Kumar Sunuwar (Kumar/Sunuwar) asks Joan Carling, longtime advocate for Indigenous rights and former expert member to the UNPFII, how she assesses the implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in Asia.
"Remember Your Children," by Salidummay
Music from a seashell, recorded at the opening ceremony of the 16th UNPFII
El pasado 2 de marzo se cumplió un año del violento asesinato en contra de la líder Indígena Berta Cáceres. Hasta la fecha, los actores intelectuales no han pagado por su crimen. Olivia Marcela Zuniga Cáceres, hija de Berta, nos expresa que celebran la vida de su madre y rememora sus palabras: "No hay mejor acto de mayor rebeldía que conservar la alegría, que construir la alegría".
Indigenous solidarity has coalesced into a powerful movement thanks to the activism and perseverance of Indigenous leaders from communities around the world. Indigenous leaders that are defending land, language, culture, and the environment face acute persecution, both from governments directly and from extrajudicial actors.
Te invitamos a descargar y compartir la entrevista con Alberto Márquez, Jefe de la Unidad de Radios de Pueblos Originarios de Bolivia, RPO´S, quien destaca que por medio de las radios comunitarias "los indígenas nunca más deben ser invisibilidades en sus actividades, cultura, lógica, filosofía, en su lengua".
En esta entrevista realizada por nuestra representante en la III Cumbre Continental de Comunicación Indígena, Avex Cojtí, escucharemos a una representante del Movimiento de Mujeres Indígenas Bartolina Sisa en Bolivia quien nos habla sobre el patriarcado y la Descolonización de Mujeres Comunicadoras.
En Cochabamba Bolivia, se realizó hoy la apertura de la III Cumbre de Comunicación Indígena Aya Yala con más de mil participantes, entre ellos nuestra representante Avex Cojtí y la lideresa Indígena, comunicadora social, y cineasta, Rosa Jajla de Radio Copacabana a quien Cojtí aprovechó para entrevistarla. Escuchemos parte de sus declaraciones.
Indigenous Rights Radio Producer Shaldon Ferris interviews Vicky Tauli-Corpuz, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, about the Dakota Access Pipeline. Vicky describes the central tensions underlying the current conflict, and details the opportunities for recourse available to the Standing Rock Sioux tribe through both local and international governing bodies.
Interview with Vicky Tauli-Corpuz
Production by Shaldon Ferris