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Una serie de entrevistas sacadas en la 13a Sesión del Foro Permanente para Cuestiones Indígenas que se realizó en mayo del 2014 en Nueva York.

Una serie de entrevistas sacadas en la 13a Sesión del Foro Permanente para Cuestiones Indígenas que se realizó en mayo del 2014 en Nueva York.

Silvia Perez, indigena Zapoteca del estado de Oaxaca, habla sobre la importancia de hacer informacion accesible a pueblos indigenas para que se pueden realizar sus derechos. 

Julian Kunnie reflects on how our ways are destroying life for future generations and on the need to honor and protect mother nature instead of turning her into a commodity.

Julian Kunnie connects food soverignty to the spiritual and reflects on how disconected we are today from where our food comes from.

Dev Kumar, from Nepal, explains why the radio is a powerful tool for Indigenous Peoples to have their voices be heard.

Bestang Dekdeken discusses the problems with FPIC as it is currently enforced in the Philippines, for example, how mining coorporations and extractive industries are able to find loopholes in FPIC in order to carry out their projects. 

Bestang Dekdeken discusses the work of the Cordillera Peoples Alliance and their struggle in the Philippines Cordillera region to defend their land against the government and mining corporations.

Entrevista grabada el primer dia del 14 session del Foro Permanente para Cuestiones Indigenas, Abril 2015 en Nueva York por Rosy Gonzales con Yolanda Teran, Kichwa de Ecuador.

Ben Koissaba shares insight on how Indigenous peoples at the United Nations can better navigate the permanent froum and other UN spaces.

Antonio Gonzales, director of the American Indian Movement AIM West, explains why the use of Indigneous Peoples as mascots is culturally offensive and can no longer be tolerated in the 21st century. We caught up with Antonio Gonzales at the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples Issues, New York.


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