These Indigenous youth leaders voice the importance of continuing the fight for Indigenous rights and how it is vital for indigenous persons to understand and embrace the roots of their community.
Jinumu, an Indigenous woman from Taiwan, uses the World Conference of Indigenous Women as an opportunity to learn more about the rights of women since indigenous rights and women’s rights are not topics that are often discussed in her home country.
From the Saami community in Norway, Gudrun E E Lindi believes that by collaborating with women from other indigenous communities, she can make a global impact and create positive change.
Maylei Blackwell - Cherokee and Thai from California, USA
Maylei Blackwell works with Indigenous migrants from Mexico who live in the Los Angeles area. Blackwell states that being fixated on geographic boundaries only inhibits one from seeing immigrants as our Indigenous brothers and sisters.
Lisa Paloma Abregu Arroyo, a Quechua woman, came to the World Conference of Indigenous Women looking to connect with indigenous representatives from around the world who are working on cultural conservation and defending indigenous rights. For Arroyo and her community, these efforts are both important and encouraging.
When Indigenous women like Raffaella Bulyaar of the Maasai people are able to attend global conferences, they are able to bring useful information back to their people in order to further discuss and learn ways to grow as a community and defend their human rights.
Andrea Landry, Anishinabek from the traditional territory of the Ashinaabe people, voices the importance of straying away from relying on the federal government to save indigenous communities and instead suggests working as a community toward changes within that community for more productive results. Landry believes confronting and talking about important issues as a community can lead to positive change.
Una serie de entrevistas con mujeres (y un hombre) sacadas durante la Conferencia Global de Mujeres Indigenas en Noviembre de 2013 en Lima, Peru.
Unas preocupaciones principales de las mujeres indígenas durante esta conferencia global fueron los temas de violencia, la participación política de mujeres, el uso de la tecnología de las mujeres, su autonomía y educación, y la libre determinación, con una enfoca en las mujeres jóvenes y las de áreas rurales.
Una serie de entrevistas con mujeres (y un hombre) sacadas durante la Conferencia Global de Mujeres Indigenas en Noviembre de 2013 en Lima, Peru.
Esta organización transmite las propuestas y preocupaciones de los pueblos indígenas, especialmente de las mujeres, a los estados y gobiernos para que ellos implementen los derechos de las mujeres. Los hombres trabajan juntos con las mujeres para dar más apoyo al esfuerzo de las mujeres de tener derechos respetados.
Una serie de entrevistas con mujeres (y un hombre) conducidas durante la Conferencia Global de Mujeres Indigenas en Noviembre de 2013 en Lima, Peru.
Escucha a esta mujer indígena de Perú, que dice que todas las mujeres indígenas sufren de vulneración de los derechos humanos individuales y colectivos. Cuando recursos naturales están explotados y el ambiente está impactado por la contaminación, las mujeres de la comunidades se sienten las consecuencias directamente.