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(617) 441-5400


UNESCO's global study on Indigenous media analyzes challenges and opportunities, supporting Indigenous peoples' right to establish their own media per the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), Article 16. Indigenous Rights Radio Producer Dev Kumar Sunuwar spoke to Irmgarda Kasinskaite-Buddeberg, Advisor for Communication and Information, UNESCO, organizer of the Expert Meeting and Media Partnership Forum on Indigenous Peoples and the Media, held from 26 to 27 November at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France.

UNESCO's study on Indigenous Peoples and Media, focusing on UN Declaration Article 16, aims to bridge gaps in Indigenous language media access. We will present recommendations to states for enhanced recognition and resourcing. Indigenous Rights Radio Producer Dev Kumar Sunuwar spoke to Sheryl Lightfoot, Member of Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP), one of the experts attending the Expert Meeting and Media Partnership Forum on Indigenous Peoples and the Media, held from 26-27 November 2024 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France.

In partnership with Griffith University, UNESCO has conducted a global study highlighting Indigenous media's vital role in empowering communities, combating stereotypes, and advocating for their media rights. Indigenous Rights Radio Producer Dev Kumar Sunuwar spoke to Susan Forde, Prof. of Media and Journalism at the School of Humanities, Languages, and Social Sciences, Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research, Griffith University, Australia.
Program Producer: Dev Kumar Sunuwar

In this series of podcasts, independent producer Morisca Christians talks about the state of Indigenous Khoi and San languages in Namibia, Botswana and South Africa.
Produced by Morisca Christians
Image: Entrance of Knofloks Kraal, South Africa
Music: 'Indios Tilcara' by Chancha Via Circuito, used with permission.
'Burn your village to the ground', by Haluci Nation, used with permission.


In this series of podcasts, independent producer Morisca Christians talks about the state of Indigenous Khoi and San languages in Namibia, Botswana and South Africa.
Produced by Morisca Christians
Image: Entrance of Knofloks Kraal, South Africa
Music: 'Indios Tilcara' by Chancha Via Circuito, used with permission.
'Burn your village to the ground', by Haluci Nation, used with permission.

In this series of podcasts, independent producer Morisca Christians talks about the state of Indigenous Khoi and San languages in Namibia, Botswana and South Africa.
Produced by Morisca Christians
Image: Entrance of Knofloks Kraal, South Africa
Music: 'Indios Tilcara' by Chancha Via Circuito, used with permission.
'Burn your village to the ground', by Haluci Nation, used with permission.

In this series of podcasts, independent producer Morisca Christians talks about the state of Indigenous Khoi and San languages in Namibia, Botswana and South Africa.
Produced by Morisca Christians
Image: Entrance of Knofloks Kraal, South Africa
Music: 'Indios Tilcara' by Chancha Via Circuito, used with permission.
'Burn your village to the ground', by Haluci Nation, used with permission.

In this series of podcasts, producers Damaris Lenantare and Mario Kuraki explore matters pertaining to gender diversity and language revitalization among Indigenous peoples of Northern Kenya.
1. Damaris Lenantare (Samburu)
2. Mario kuraki- (Samburu)
3. Sammy Rei (Luyha)

1. Nuria Golo (Borana)
2. Tume Roba (Gabra)
3. Clement (Meru)
4. Solomon Basele (Rendille)
5. Gismat Lerapo (Rendille)
6. Kenno Harugura (Rendille)
7. Paul Kasula (Samburu)
8. Hido Mamo (Borana)

In this series of podcasts, producers Damaris Lenantare and Mario Kuraki explore matters pertaining to gender diversity and language revitalization among Indigenous peoples of Northern Kenya.
1. Damaris Lenantare (Samburu)
2. Mario kuraki- (Samburu)
3. Sammy Rei (Luyha)

1. Nuria Golo (Borana)
2. Tume Roba (Gabra)
3. Clement (Meru)
4. Solomon Basele (Rendille)
5. Gismat Lerapo (Rendille)
6. Kenno Harugura (Rendille)
7. Paul Kasula (Samburu)
8. Hido Mamo (Borana)

In this series of podcasts, producers Damaris Lenantare and Mario Kuraki explore matters pertaining to gender diversity and language revitalization among Indigenous peoples of Northern Kenya.
1. Damaris Lenantare (Samburu)
2. Mario kuraki- (Samburu)
3. Sammy Rei (Luyha)

1. Nuria Golo (Borana)
2. Tume Roba (Gabra)
3. Clement (Meru)
4. Solomon Basele (Rendille)
5. Gismat Lerapo (Rendille)
6. Kenno Harugura (Rendille)
7. Paul Kasula (Samburu)
8. Hido Mamo (Borana)

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