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(617) 441-5400


In this series of podcasts,Inclusive Media Foundation, Newa FM and Likhu FM takes a look at how the Indigenous Peoples of Nepal struggle to maintain ownership of their ancestral lands, in areas where there are rivers like the Likhu River.
"Burn your village to the ground", by The Halluci Nation, used with permission.

In this podcast, we hear from residents of Bwabwata in Namibia who discuss the land defense of the !Xun and Khwe people of the region in Namibia in the Okavango Delta that was known as the Caprivi Strip.
The interview was produced by Sonner Geria(Khwe), and conducted by Fanny Mafuta(Khwe).
Interviewee: Muyatwa Smith (Khwe)
"Whispers" by Ziibiwan, used with permission.
"Burn your village to the ground", by The Halluci Nation, used with permission.

Radio Atlantis on the West Coast of South Africa has produced this series of podcasts that takes a look at land defense from the perspective of land defenders. Interviewees include Bradley van Sitters (Nama) and Oswald Daniels (Cochoqua).
"Whispers" by Ziibiwan, used with permission.
"Burn your village to the ground", by The Halluci Nation, is used with permission.

Radio Atlantis on the West Coast of South Africa has produced this series of podcasts that takes a look at land defense from the perspective of land defenders. Interviewees include Bradley van Sitters (Nama) and Oswald Daniels (Cochoqua).
"Whispers" by Ziibiwan, used with permission.
"Burn your village to the ground", by The Halluci Nation, used with permission.

In this podcast, we hear from Reynold van Wyk who tells us about a history of struggle to protect the land where the Baster people had originated from, and also the land where they have settled.

Produced by Pieter Olivier(Baster).

Interviewee:  Reynold Van Wyk (Baster).
"Whispers" by Ziibiwan, used with permission.
"Burn your village to the ground", by The Halluci Nation, used with permission.

In this podcast, we hear from residents of Rehoboth in Namibia, who tell us about how the Baster community has had to defend their land, territories, and resources.
This program was produced by Pieter Olivier.
Interviewee:  Douglas Kock(Baster).
"Whispers" by Ziibiwan, used with permission.
"Burn your village to the ground", by The Halluci Nation, used with permission.

Language diversity, multilingual education, and the development of a deeper appreciation of linguistic and cultural traditions worldwide are all encouraged by the dissemination of mother tongues. The purpose of this program is to inspire solidarity based on understanding, tolerance, and dialogue, and to remind us of the vital role that languages play in preserving and transmitting cultural heritage.

Radio has been over for over a century and it is still relevant today, probably more than it has ever been. Let us look at some of the reasons why: Radios are portable, unlike television. Radios are cheaper as compared to television sets. Indigenous peoples use radio as a means of communication, especially in remote areas.

Voices: Gwani Adamu Umar (Fulani), Lidia Joshua (Bachama), M.A Ubayo Waja (Fulani)

Moshe Mughando (San)

Mina Gurung (Gurung)

Produced by Shaldon Ferris (Khoisan)

Fossil fuels and other conventional energy sources release many greenhouse gases that harm the environment. For this reason, there is global talk of the need for a transition towards the use of cleaner energy sources and the development of technologies such as battery storage systems, and other cleaner sources of energy. However, for the creation of these energy sources, so-called “transition minerals” are necessary, the extraction of which increases the danger of new displacements and the dispossession of territories from Indigenous Peoples.

Fossil fuels and other conventional energy sources release many greenhouse gases that harm the environment. For this reason, there is global talk of the need for a transition towards the use of cleaner energy sources and the development of technologies such as battery storage systems, and other cleaner sources of energy. However, for the creation of these energy sources, so-called “transition minerals” are necessary, the extraction of which increases the danger of new displacements and the dispossession of territories from Indigenous Peoples.

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